Newsome Harlow Marketing Team

NHvino Zins Collection
Bringing together the personality of the brand owner with the uniqueness of the region

Newsome Harlow is unique on many levels. The Sierra Foothills hasn't been known for its vineyards, until now...Newsome Harlow has put it on the map, largely driven by its Founder and his distinctive personality. We've been their branding partner for many years, helping them communicate their passion for wine, people and their unique place.  

Brandkind NHvino Logo
NHvino Newsletter
NHvino Hats
Stylized Bottle Shots
Website Design + Ecommerce
BrandKind Website NHvino
Virtual Tasting Social Media & Emails

Together we can do this!

  • Talk

    On your schedule, let’s discuss your business goals and brand needs.

  • Create

    Together we’ll create a plan that fits your budget and delivers results.

  • Grow

    Now let’s execute the plan, track growth, and focus on the winners.

Schedule a Call